Pillars of Strength Scholarship Program
University of Maryland Global Campus offers multiple scholarships—which include full tuition, fees, and course-required resources for each term during the academic year—for caregivers of recovering servicemembers and veterans. The scholarship application closes April 30.
Military Family News
Military Families, America Needs You
We’re reaching out to President Trump today to make sure he puts military families' needs at the top of his agenda.
A Letter to President Trump
We count on you to ensure that our service members and their families are supported by the policies and legislation they need to keep serving our nation.
TRICARE Open Season 2024: Key Dates, Tips, and Action Items
Find tips, key dates, and action items to help military families navigate upcoming TRICARE changes and Open Season.
Filling the Gaps to Strengthen and Empower Military Families
Military Spouse Scholarships
NMFA offers military spouse scholarships ranging from $500 – $2500 for eligible spouses.
State of the Military Family Summit
Senior leaders, policy makers, partners, and military family members uniting to address the unique challenges of military life.
Research + Insights
Collecting meaningful data to gain insight into the critical areas affecting military family well-being.