MBA@American University
Delivered online by American University’s Kogod School of Business, MBA@American takes a collaborative approach to preparing tomorrow’s business leaders. Scholarships up to $7,500 available to military spouses.
Delivered online by American University’s Kogod School of Business, MBA@American takes a collaborative approach to preparing tomorrow’s business leaders. Scholarships up to $7,500 available to military spouses.
At the Syracuse University School of Information Studies (iSchool) you can earn your master’s degree online in Information Management or Library and Information Science. Scholarships up to $7,500 available to military spouses.
Communications@Syracuse is an online Master of Science in Communications from Syracuse University. Scholarships up to $7,500 available to military spouses.
American University’s International Service offers online Master of Arts and Executive Master’s programs in International Relations. Scholarships up to $7,500 available to military spouses.
HealthInformatics@GW prepares professionals with the skills they need to optimize health care delivery and improve population health through the use of data. Scholarships up to $7,500 available to military spouses.
The USC Rossier School of Education offers an online Master’s in Teaching. Scholarships up to $7,500 available to military spouses.