Department of Education Changes and Your Military Family

Department of Education Changes and Your Military Family

The way the federal government administers education services is changing, but the programs military families rely on should stay. 

Military-connected children rely on the funding and protections typically provided by the Department of Education far more than their civilian peers. The way the federal government administers education services is changing, but the programs military families rely on should stay. That includes programs that are funded and protected by statute, like:

  • Impact Aid funding for school districts with large concentrations of military children who are living on or are connected to federal property like military bases to partially compensate for lost local tax revenue
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) funding to ensure that children with special needs receive the support they need to thrive wherever they live, which is especially important for military children who move to new school districts every two to three years
  • Title 1 funding for schools with large populations of low-income students, including thousands of military kids

We’re hopeful that, in the wake of changes to the Department of Education, Congress will ensure that these core programs continue to operate smoothly and effectively so that military families can stay mission-focused.

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