NMFA Salute Society


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Planning is Providing

When you include the National Military Family (NMFA) in your estate plan, you are making a gift that benefits you, your loved ones, and our military families today and in the future. Thank you for helping us ensure that our mission to strengthen military families continues for generations to come.

Planned Giving

Ways to Make an Estate Gift to NMFA

Planned gifts to NMFA offer creative and flexible strategies that enable you to support the military families that are so important to us all. At the same time, you will be pursuing your own charitable and financial goals.

Charitable Bequests

A bequest is made through a will or revocable trust and can provide tax benefits to the donor and their heirs and provide needed resources for NMFA.

Military Family Reunion

Beneficiary Designation Gift

Through a beneficiary designation gift, you can designate NMFA as a beneficiary of a retirement, investment, bank account, or current life insurance policy.

Donor Advised Funds

These funds are set up with large financial institutions or community foundations who act as the charitable sponsor and can choose their desired disbursement of any remaining funds upon their passing.

Military Family Reunion

Gifts of Life Insurance

Individuals can make a gift of life insurance by making NMFA the irrevocable owner and beneficiary of a life insurance policy that has cash value and is no longer needed.

Gifts of Stock and Appreciated Securities

Gifting stock can often be more beneficial to individuals than gifts of cash. Long-term appreciated stocks, bonds, and/or mutual fund shares can be used to donate instead of cash.

Military Family Reunion

Charitable Gift Annuities

These types of gifts are also known as “life-income” gifts. They are investment vehicles that provide the donor with a fixed income for life, based on the initial value of the investment, and after the passing of the donor the remaining amount becomes the gift to NMFA.

Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD)

QCD allows individuals age 70½ and older to make direct transfers of up to $105,000 per year from individual retirement accounts to qualified charities without having to count the transfers as income for federal tax purposes.

Military Family Reunion

Are ready to make a profound impact on military families?

Don’t have a will? We can help. In partnership with LifeLegacy, we offer free comprehensive estate planning tools, including Last Will & Testament, all online and legal across the U.S. Finish your will in less than 20 minutes.

Have you already included NMFA in your estate? If not, please complete the Gift Intention Form so we can recognize your gift today.

Contact Us

Your gift makes a difference!

Contact us with questions or for more information on how we can help you leave a legacy for military families through NMFA.

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The information provided on this website is not intended as legal, accounting, or other professional advice. For assistance in planning charitable gifts with tax and other financial implications, the services of appropriate advisors should be obtained. Consult an attorney for advice if your plans require revision of a will or other document.