Military Families, America Needs You
We know how to build unity. We need to show America how.
One of the best things about our military is that you end up meeting a whole community of people who are nothing like you. They aren’t from where you’re from. They don’t share the same beliefs and they don’t share the same politics. But they all share a commitment to our country.
Right now is no different. For weeks, we’ve been told America is at an existential crisis point – no election has ever been this important! – But the campaign ads and hyperbole have ended, and we need to get back to work.
America needs us.
What makes our military community so exceptional is our shared commitment to this great nation.
We’re reaching out to President Trump today to make sure he puts military families’ needs at the top of his agenda.
America woke up feeling divided, but we don’t have to be. Military families can show us how. We hold steady as we always have and remember what’s most important.