Family Readiness Groups: 6 Things Military Families Should Know
FRGs provide spouses and families a ‘built-in’ network for friendship, understanding, connection, and so much more.
FRGs provide spouses and families a ‘built-in’ network for friendship, understanding, connection, and so much more.
For years we’ve urged the Department of Defense (DoD) to offer Dependent Care FSAs for military families. They’ve heard us and answered.
Wounded Warrior Project stands out as the longest contributing partner of NMFA’s Operation Purple Program, and we couldn’t be more grateful.
Military families lost a long-time advocate on March 13, 2023, when Representative Patricia Schroeder (1st/CO) passed away.
In a recent letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin we urged DoD to implement a universal Pre-K program at OCONUS DoDEA schools.