
Military families describe our impact.

Operation Purple Programs

Operation Purple Programs aim to strengthen and empower every military family member through outdoor exploration and engaging activities. Each program is designed to reach families, whether in their homes or campsites, with enriching experiences that will help strengthen the family bond long after the programs end.

Operation Purple Testimonial
Operation Purple Testimonial
The McKenzie Family

“The thing about PTSD is that you don’t really understand that you have it until it’s pointed out to you. There’s been no judgment, no expectations, at Operation Purple Healing Adventures, and it has provided every family the opportunity to just reconnect. The fun has been the best therapy. This program really has made a difference—they don’t just talk about supporting veterans—it really is making an impact.”

-The McKenzie Family, Army Special Operations

“The multiple deployments, through time, takes its toll. Making the connections with like families at Operation Purple Family Retreats has definitely helped us. The kind of experiences we got from this program are amazing. It’s impacted our lives quite a bit.”

-The Juarez Family, Air National Guard veterans

We’re so grateful for this opportunity for him to learn and grow alongside other military kids.
Manfre Family, Coast Guard

OPC Testimonial

We want to say a big thank you to this incredible organization and program. My kids are both still telling Camp Surf experiences and stories! They’ve both grown so much from their camp experience. we are so grateful for all of it!

Logsdon Family, Marines

OPC Testimonial

Operation purple you have made dreams come true for my family. My kids have lived the majority of their lives on overseas orders unable to attend any camps. This year YOU made those dreams a reality. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to this organization, all the donors and all the wonderful staff!

McCraine and Mohn Family, Navy

OPC Testimonial


For over half a century, NMFA has been the trusted ‘go-to’ organization to be the voice of military families across all branches. Our well-known boots-on-the-ground approach allows us to speak on legislative issues, fight for meaningful and impactful policy changes, and advocate on all fronts for the military families of today and tomorrow.

Help us continue to fight for military families.

Thank you for everything you do for military families; it means the world to us to know that our family's sacrifice does not go unnoticed. – Beckner Family, Air National Guard
Advocacy Testimonial
I appreciate all that you do for military families. I wouldn’t trade this life for anything and I am grateful for those who acknowledge and support the military family. – McLaughlin Family, Army
Advocacy Testimonial
Keeping military families informed on legislative priorities and what’s happening on Capitol Hill is deeply appreciated. Our family feels our concerns and challenges are being heard by lawmakers. Thank you. –Williams Family, Coast Guard
Advocacy Testimonial

When a military member has been serving for 20 years, most families approach another military-mandated move like it’s an old hat. And for some things, it is. They know how to house hunt, what not to let the movers pack, and most know how to get connected in their new community. But when it comes to moving school-aged children, the situation is never the same as the last time.

For The Smiths, a good education for their teen daughters was top priority. NMFA helped The Smiths, and three other families, elevate their voice to the Virginia Department of Education as part of our Education Revolution advocacy efforts.

Watch their advocacy journey.

The Smith Family

Military Spouse Scholarships + Professional Funds

We help bridge the gaps between military spouses, their desire to seek higher education and career advancement, and the financial strain that sometimes prevents them from reaching those goals. With NMFA scholarships and funding, military spouses go on to do great things, adding to the financial stability of their households.

Jaylynne L., Army

There are many obstacles that we as military spouses must face and learn to overcome on a day-to-day basis, whether it be serving as the head of household while our service members are away, the frequent moves, deployments, or finding and holding on to meaningful employment — the list never seems to end. But with your generous scholarship funds, my list of obstacles has lessened greatly.

Jaylynne L., Army

Lidia D Navy

As a military spouse, I faced challenges in finding employment due to frequent relocations. However, your scholarship support helped me navigate these obstacles and achieve my career goals. Your commitment to supporting military families is inspiring, and I am grateful for the resources and opportunities you provide. Thank you for impacting my career and life.

Lidia D., Navy


Karla A., Navy

This scholarship will not only assist me in obtaining my academic goals but will also serve as a motivation to excel in my studies and contribute positively to society. Your dedication to supporting students like me is truly commendable.

Karla A., Navy

Kathryn A., Navy

Your scholarship funds have not only provided me with a sense of relief by taking off a bit of the financial weight of tuition, but you have also given me such a positive feeling of honor to have been chosen. You are helping me to achieve an incredibly important goal, and I really cannot express how grateful I am. Thank you so very much!

Kathryn A., Navy

More Than A Spouse

I hope my story can inspire others and also how lucky are we (as military spouses) to have such amazing advocates!!! Thank you NMFA for taking on all the family needs!

Heather P., Air Force

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​Military spouses serve our service members with our support… but it is not all we do. Thank you NMFA for using your More Than A Spouse campaign to highlight that!

Natalie W., Army

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I like to tell spouses to connect with as many milspouses as they can. Our network is powerful, and we love to help one other. There are many organizations out there, like NMFA, that help. We are not alone!

Shari B., Navy

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