License + Certification Take Action Guide

Because of frequent PCS moves across state lines, military spouses with professional and occupational licenses and certifications face a constant cycle of time-consuming tasks and pocket-emptying fees to keep their credentials up-to-date.

Are you a military spouse facing these struggles? Are you ready to take action and make the process work for you? We’ve got you covered with some key steps to help you become your best advocate and take charge of your professional career.


Share Your Story

Once you’ve identified your regional Defense-State Liaison Office representative, send them an email or letter telling them the challenges you’ve faced trying to continue your career after moving to their state, and suggest recommendations that might make the process easier for future military spouses moving there.

Not sure if there’s pending legislation in your state? Check here.

We’ve created sample letters to guide you.

Pending Legislation
General Concern

Contact Your State Legislator

Get some use out of the letter you sent your regional Defense-State Liaison Office representative — send it to your state legislator as well. It’s important for policy makers to hear how license reciprocity, or an easier process, would benefit you and other military spouses. Also, consider attending legislative sessions in your state.

Tip: You don’t have to stop with your state legislator, reach out to your state’s licensing board and encourage them to create military-specific pages on their websites.

Texas Military Families

Join NMFA’s Facebook Groups

We’ve created private Facebook groups designed for connecting military spouses within specific career fields. Network with peers, identify accredited academic programs, understand licensing/certification requirements, learn about different industry credentials, and share employment opportunities.

Mental Health

Click to join this Facebook group today.


Click to join this Facebook group today.


Click to join this Facebook group today.

Advocate Through Social Media

Many policymakers at local, state, and national levels are on social media. Utilize the power and reach of platforms like Facebook and Twitter to share your story instantly and connect with representatives.

Sample Facebook Posts
“I’m a proud military spouse and (job name) who’s moved (#) times. During that time, I’ve tried to build my own career – but it’s been difficult to transfer my professional license/certification as we’ve moved state-to-state. @representative please help military spouses like me and join us in the fight for professional license + certification transferability and reciprocity. Our military families are counting on you!”
“Working military spouses deserve the chance to continue their career path no matter where the military sends their family. It’s time for all 50 states to make professional license + certification transfers more easily accessible and cost-effective!”
“Did you know the average working military spouse loses $12,374 in wages every year because of things out of their control, like frequent military-mandated moves, and the inability to transfer professional credentials? I’m fighting to change that. @representative, we need you to help make professional license + certification transferability and reciprocity the norm in all 50 states!”

Sample Twitter Posts

“(@representative) I’m a #milspouse working in (industry) and I’m struggling to relicense in your state. Please help me and all #militaryspouses to make relicensing and recertification easier and affordable. Our #military family is counting on you.
“Working #militaryspouses deserve the chance to continue their career path no matter where the #military sends their family. @representative, it’s time for all 50 states to make professional license + certification transfers easy and affordable!”
“(@representative) The average working #milspouse loses $12,374/yr in wages because of frequent moves & inability to transfer professional credentials. We need your help to make this number $0. Let’s start with reciprocity for professional credentials.”

Share Your Story with NMFA

We’re here to amplify your voice on Capitol Hill and with policymakers in Washington, D.C.

Let us share your experiences on The Hill.

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